Error Handling

Blackoutdates (Category 11) Footnotes

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "blkOutDts11": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[startDt] - Date must be today or greater",
	"startDt": "20180201",
    "stopDt": "20190101"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Miscellaneous Provisions (Category 23) Footnotes

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Request argument has invalid value and/or format": [ "addonCons" ], }`

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "miscprovision23": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[addonCons] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format",
		"[prorate] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format"
    "addonCons": "RX",
    "prorate": "B"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Sales Restrictions (Category 15) Footnotes

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String " Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "tktDisc" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "salesRstrxn15": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[tktDisc] - Date must be today or greater",
        "[tktEff, rsvEff] - tktEff or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or rsvDisc",
        "[tktDisc, rsvEff] - tktEff or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or rsvDisc",
        "[tktDisc, rsvDisc] - tktEff or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or rsvDisc",
        "[tktDisc, tktEff] - rsvDisc or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or tktEff"
    "rsvEff": "20180801",
    "rsvDisc": "20190321",
    "tktEff": "20180321",
    "tktDisc": "20180101"

Example Error Response from the Sales Restrictions (Category 15) Footnotes API


If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Seasonality (Category 3) Footnotes

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessul"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "seasonality03": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[startDt] - Date must be today or greater",
    "startDt": "20180201",
    "stopDt": "20190101",

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Travel Restrictions (Category 14) Footnotes

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "tvlDtComm" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "tvlRstrxn14": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[tvlDtComm] - Date must be today or greater",
        "[tvlDtCommComp, tvlDtTm] - tvlDtCommComp must be specified when tvlDtTm is coded",
        "[tvlDtExp] - Date must be today or greater
    "tvlDtComm": "20180201",
    "tvlDtExp": "20180930",
    "tvlDtAppl": "C",
    "tvlDtTm": "0930",

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Advance Reservations and Ticketing (Category) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Request argument has invalid format and/or value": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
    "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
    "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
    "advancedres05": {
        "confirmedSector": "X",
        "resStopDuration": "15",
        "resStopUnit": "N",
        "resStartDuration": "15",
        "depatureDuration": "15",
        "resStopOccurence": "1",
        "resStartTime": "12",
        "resStopDayOfWeek": "Mon",
        "resStartUnit": "N",
        "tktMeasuredFromTsi": "03",
        "msgs": {
            "errors": [
                "[resStartTime] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format"
        "tktOccurrence": "1",
        "tktWaiverUnit": "N",
        "applyWhichever": "E",
        "resStartOccurence": "1",
        "tktDuration": "15",
        "advResIndicator": "N",
        "tktWaiverDuration": "2",
        "resStopTime": "1800",
        "tktWaiverDate": "20190915",
        "tktPermittedIndicator": "R",
        "tktDayofWeek": "Mon",
        "resMeasuredFromTsi": "03",
        "tktUnit": "N",
        "depatureUnit": "N",
        "resStartDayOfWeek": "Mon",
        "standbyWaitlist": "A",
        "resWaiverDate": "20190915",
        "tktIssueTime": "0100"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Blackout Dates (Category 11) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "blkOutDts11": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[startDt] - Date must be today or greater",
	"dtRangeAppl": "D",
    "startDt": "20180201",
    "stopDt": "20190101"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Day Time (Category 2) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Request argument has invalid format and/or value": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "daytime02": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[stopTm] - Request argument has an invalid value or format",
    "startTm": "2225",
    "stopTm": "2289"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Eligibility (Category 1) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Request argument has invalid format and/or value": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the sub-domains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for sub-domains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "Y",
  "eligibility01": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[psgrType] - Request argument has an invalid value or format",
    "psgrType": "A3T",
    "psgrAppl" :"N",
    "psgrStatus":"N" ,
    "loc1"  : "MAD",
	"minAge" : "02",
	"maxAge" : "40",
	"psgrOccurrenceFirst" : "001",
	"psgrOccurrenceLast" : "999",
	"accountCode" : "b57n001"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Flight Application (Category 4) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "revEff" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
    "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
    "rtnTblNumsOnly": "y",
    "flightApplication04": {
        "msgs": {
            "errors": [
                "[flight1] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format"
        "fltApplCd": "1",
        "flight1": "A123",
        "carrier1": "XX"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Maximum Stay (Category 7) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
    "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
    "rtnTblNumsOnly": "y",
    "maximumStay07": {
        "msgs": {
            "errors": [
                "[dayOfWeekCd] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format"
        "maxStayUnitOfTm": "D",
        "maxStayDt": "20190730",
        "waiverCd": "2",
        "dayOfWeekCd": " MXB",
        "dayOfWeekNo": "1",
        "maxStayDuration": "014",
        "returnTimeOfDay": "1400",
        "fromGeoSpec995": {
            "loc2": "CDG",
            "loc1": "IAD",
            "tsi": "01",
            "type": "P"
        "dayOfWeekItems": [
        "toGeoSpec995": {
            "loc2": "IAD",
            "loc1": "CDG",
            "tsi": "01",
            "type": "P"
        "ovrrdDt994": {
            "tktEff": "20190730",
            "rsvEff": "20190730",
            "tvlEff": "20190730",
            "rsvDisc": "20190831",
            "tvlDisc": "20190831",
            "tktDisc": "20190831"
        "waiverDayCd": "L",
        "waiverCondDt": "20190730",
        "maxStayCd": "L",
        "waiverCondDur": "014",
        "noteTxt996": {
            "txtLns": [
                    "lnNum": "1",
                    "txt": "THIS IS SAMPLE NOTE TEXT"
                    "lnNum": "2",
                    "txt": "         INDENTATION AND LINE BREAKS"
                    "lnNum": "3",
                    "txt": "              IN YOUR REQUEST AND RESPONSE."
                    "lnNum": "4",
                    "txt": "WE HOPE THAT YOU ARE ENJOYING OUR DEMO.."
        "waiverUnitOfWork": "D"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Minimum Stay (Category 6) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
    "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
    "rtnTblNumsOnly": "y",
    "minimumStay06": {
        "msgs": {
            "errors": [
                "[dayOfWeekCd] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format"
        "minStayUnitOfTm": "D",
        "minStayDt": "20190730",
        "waiverCd": "2",
        "dayOfWeekCd": " MXB",
        "dayOfWeekNo": "1",
        "minStayDuration": "014",
        "returnTimeOfDay": "1400",
        "fromGeoSpec995": {
            "loc2": "CDG",
            "loc1": "IAD",
            "tsi": "01",
            "type": "P"
        "dayOfWeekItems": [
        "toGeoSpec995": {
            "loc2": "IAD",
            "loc1": "CDG",
            "tsi": "01",
            "type": "P"
        "ovrrdDt994": {
            "tktEff": "20190730",
            "rsvEff": "20190730",
            "tvlEff": "20190730",
            "rsvDisc": "20190831",
            "tvlDisc": "20190831",
            "tktDisc": "20190831"
        "waiverDayCd": "L",
        "waiverCondDt": "20190730",
        "minStayCd": "L",
        "waiverCondDur": "014",
        "noteTxt996": {
            "txtLns": [
                    "lnNum": "1",
                    "txt": "THIS IS SAMPLE NOTE TEXT"
                    "lnNum": "2",
                    "txt": "         INDENTATION AND LINE BREAKS"
                    "lnNum": "3",
                    "txt": "              IN YOUR REQUEST AND RESPONSE."
                    "lnNum": "4",
                    "txt": "WE HOPE THAT YOU ARE ENJOYING OUR DEMO.."
        "waiverUnitOfWork": "D"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Miscellaneous Provisions (Category 23) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Request argument has invalid value and/or format": [ "addonCons" ], }`

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "miscprovision23": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[addonCons] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format",
		"[prorate] - Request argument has invalid value and/or format"
    "addonCons": "RX",
    "prorate": "B"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Sales Restrictions (Category 15) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String " Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "tktDisc" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "salesRstrxn15": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[tktDisc] - Date must be today or greater",
        "[tktEff, rsvEff] - tktEff or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or rsvDisc",
        "[tktDisc, rsvEff] - tktEff or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or rsvDisc",
        "[tktDisc, rsvDisc] - tktEff or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or rsvDisc",
        "[tktDisc, tktEff] - rsvDisc or tktDisc must be equal to or greater than rsvEff or tktEff"
    "rsvEff": "20180801",
    "rsvDisc": "20190321",
    "tktEff": "20180321",
    "tktDisc": "20180101"

Example Error Response from the Sales Restrictions (Category 15) Rules API


If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Seasonality (Category 3) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "seasonality03": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[startDt] - Date must be today or greater",
    "startDt": "20180201",
    "stopDt": "20190101",

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Surcharges (Category 12) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessul"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "stopDt" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "surcharges12":  {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "["firstDt"] - Date must be today or greater",
  "firstDt": "20190901",
		"lastDt": "20190905",
		"firstTm": "1201A",
		"lastTm": "1205N"

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.

Travel Restrictions (Category 14) Rules

Error Messages

Field name Description Type Example
msg Top-level message (used for errors and system messages) String "Table creation was unsuccessful"
msgs Dictionary of message details (used for errors and system messages) String { "Date must be today or greater": [ "tvlDtComm" ], }

Error Handling

When a request can't be processed because of errors in creating a category table number, you will receive an error message at the top of the response as well an error message within the domain indicating the field(s) in error.

  • If the Main Category errors and the subdomains (supporting 900-series tables) are successfully created, the created Record 3 table numbers for subdomains will display in the response
  • When the response contains multiple error messages, they will be collected within an array
  "msg": "Table creation was unsuccessful",
  "rtnTblNumsOnly": "N",
  "tvlRstrxn14": {
    "msgs": {
      "errors": [
        "[tvlDtComm] - Date must be today or greater",
        "[tvlDtCommComp, tvlDtTm] - tvlDtCommComp must be specified when tvlDtTm is coded",
        "[tvlDtExp] - Date must be today or greater
    "tvlDtComm": "20180201",
    "tvlDtExp": "20180930",
    "tvlDtAppl": "C",
    "tvlDtTm": "0930",

If a runtime error exception occurs, the request will not be redisplayed. The server will return a runtime error message and error code HTTP 500.