AirShopping Functional Capabilities

AirShopping Request

The AirShoppingRQ service returns priced availability for each flight for the requested origin and destination and date. The pricing is based on a one-way model. If the user searches for the round trip itinerary, then the airline returns a separate offer for outbound and inbound itineraries.

The below products are made available to corporations or customers to consume from sellers. NDC 2017.2 AirShoppingRQ supports these modifiers in the below-mentioned paths.

AirShopping Request Input and Details

Corporate Contract Number (CCN)
Account numbers that are given to the corporations, not the sellers.

  • /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/AirlineID
  • /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/Account

Normal Tariff Passenger (NTP)
Air and/or non-air discount promo codes usually emailed to companies and customers.


Language Code
Provide the language code in /AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Languages/LanguageCode. If a language code is not provided in the request, then English is the default language.

Country Code
Provide the country code in /AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/Location/CountryCode.

Currency Code
Provide the currency code in /AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/CurrCodes/FiledInCurrency/CurrCode.

Calendar Search
Calendar search is supported by in NDC 17.2.

Number Of Passengers
A maximum of 9 passengers is supported and the request needs at least 1 ADT passenger. The number of infants cannot be greater than adult passengers.

Passenger Type Code
ADT, CHD, YTH, and INF are all supported.

Journey Type
Oneway, Return, and Multicity types of journeys are supported.


If an airline is a one-way business model, the specific offer is created for outbound and inbound journeys.

AirShopping Response

The AirShoppingRS service includes a list of priced availability offers (combination of available flights and fares) for the requested origin, destination, and date.

Some important points about AirShopping response structure:

  1. AirShoppingRS may contain multiple offers with the same price, but different flight segment details. The flight segment details can be different by origin, destination, RBD code, FBC code, fare family, etc.
  2. OfferItemID is created per PTC type. There will be a single OfferItem for the same type of PTC (like 2 ADT).
  3. Each OriginDestination list is unique from a flight segment perspective. This unique OriginDestination will be a reference inside OfferItem - FlightRefs section. FlightRefs will contain a single OriginDestination reference only. The OriginDestination can have multiple flight segments for connection.
    • /AirShoppingRS/DataLists/OriginDestinationList/OriginDestination
    • /AirShoppingRS/DataLists/OriginDestinationList/OriginDestination/FlightReferences
  4. ResponseID , OfferID , and OfferItemID will be used in OfferPriceRQ, ServiceListRQ, and OrderCreateRQ
    • /AirShoppingRS/ShoppingResponseID/ResponseID
    • /AirShoppingRS/OffersGroup/AirlineOffers/Offer/@OfferID
    • /AirShoppingRS/OffersGroup/AirlineOffers/Offer/OfferItem/@OfferItemID
  5. ResponseID and OfferID will be used in the SeatAvailabilityRQ
    • /AirShoppingRS/ShoppingResponseID/ResponseID
    • /AirShoppingRS/OffersGroup/AirlineOffers/Offer/@OfferID
  6. Fare Family details display in the PriceClass section
  7. The currency decimal value displays in the MetaData section.
  8. Details display in the Qualifier section
  9. FlightDuration displays in the FlightSegment . For connecting flights, the TOTAL flight duration displays in the segment of the connecting flights.