NDC Error Codes & Messages

If you receive any of the error messages below, you most likely need to update your request. Included are details of possible actions you need to take if you receive the error in a response. Please make corrections and resubmit your request.


Code Description User Action
1000 Error parsing request headers. Ensure your headers are structured correctly. Refer Working with NDC for all mandatory elements.
1003 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
1004 Error parsing request using message translation engine. Correct the XML structure in your request.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
2000 Error parsing request headers. Ensure your headers are structured correctly. Refer Working with NDC for all mandatory elements.
2003 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
2004 Error parsing request using message translation engine. Correct the XML structure in your request.
2009 Offer not found. Check offer ID and response ID. If both are correct, then please try again and add a small delay (second or two) between your AirShopping and OfferPrice requests.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
3000 Error parsing request headers. Ensure your headers are structured correctly. Refer Working with NDC for all mandatory elements.
3003 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
3004 Error parsing request using message translation engine. Correct the XML structure in your request.
3019 Offer not found. Verify that you have included the correct OfferID and ResponseID for the flow. Ensure you have executed the services requests in the correct order per [Flow of data between messages](/docs/ndc-solutions/ndcapiworkflows/#flow-of-data-between-messages.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
4000 Error parsing request headers. Ensure your headers are structured correctly. Refer Working with NDC for all mandatory elements.
4003 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
4004 Error parsing request using message translation engine Correct the XML structure in your request.
4009 Offer not found. Verify that you have included the correct OfferID and ResponseID for the flow. Ensure you have executed the services requests in the correct order per Flow of data between messages.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
5000 Error parsing request headers. Ensure your headers are structured correctly. Refer Working with NDC for all mandatory elements.
5005 Error while parsing request. Correct the XML structure in your request.
5009 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
5011 Offer not found in offer management system. Verify that you have included the correct OfferID and ResponseID for the flow. Ensure that the offer was created less than three days prior to execution of OrderCreate.
5021 Unable to detokenize request.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
6000 Error parsing request headers. Ensure your headers are structured correctly. Refer Working with NDC for all mandatory elements.
6001 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
6002 PNR required. Ensure that the PNR is specified in the request.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
7000 Error while executing flow. Generic error message. Please open a ticket with RQ/RS flow, and trace ID.
7001 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
7002 PNR required. Check that the PNR is specified in the request.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
8000 Error while executing flow. Generic error message. Please open a ticket with RQ/RS flow, and trace ID.
8001 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
8002 PNR required. Check that the PNR is specified in the request.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.


Code Description User Action
9000 Error while executing flow. Generic error message. Please open a ticket with RQ/RS flow, and trace ID.
9001 Invalid Seller ID. Check your Seller ID in request headers. Your Seller ID must be present and identical in all services headers in the flow per the NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. No Credentials supplied. Check that the Party element is present and identical throughout the look and book flow per NDC message structure.
401 Unable to authenticate. Information is missing in the request, which the airline uses to authenticate. Check that TravelAgencySender information and/or the CountryCode are defined for the airline.