AirShoppingRQ NDC 2017.2



XPath: AirShoppingRQ

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: The AirShopping transaction set supports both demanding and flexible shopping experiences for anonymous or personalized shopping.

The combination of functionally-rich attribute and affinity shopping support date range or specific month (calendar) shopping as an example.

The response returns offers which may include branded offers or itinerary-priced offers with or without ancillary services. It also returns applicable rules for the integrated fares as well as for each service.

The message also returns multi-media content at message level as well as media references at the individual offer level.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@EchoToken

Data Type Value: StringLength1to128 [0..1]

Description: A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@TimeStamp

Data Type Value: xs:dateTime [0..1]

Description: Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (e.g. 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@Target

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]

Description: Used to indicate whether the request is for the Test or Production system.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@Version

Data Type Value: xs:string

Description: For all IATA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by a decimal value.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@TransactionIdentifier

Data Type Value: StringLength1to32 [0..1]

Description: A unique identifier to relate all messages within a transaction (e.g. this would be sent in all request and response messages that are part of an on-going transaction).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@SequenceNmbr

Data Type Value: xs:nonNegativeInteger [0..1]

Description: Used to identify the sequence number of the transaction as assigned by the sending system; allows for an application to process messages in a certain order or to request a resynchronization of messages in the event that a system has been off-line and needs to retrieve messages that were missed.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@TransactionStatusCode

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]

Description: This indicates where this message falls within a sequence of messages.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Languages/LanguageCode

Data Type Value: xs:language [0..1]

Description: Identifies the primary language preference for the message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@PrimaryLangID

Data Type Value: language

Description: Identifies the primary language preference for the message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@AltLangID

Data Type Value: xs:language [0..1]

Description: Identifies the alternate language for a customer or message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@RetransmissionIndicator

Data Type Value: xs:boolean [0..1]

Description: When true, indicates the message is being re-sent after a failure. It is recommended that this attribute is used (i.e., set to TRUE) only when a message is retransmitted.

Point of Sale


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale

Data Type Value: PointOfSaleType

Description: A data type for Point of Sale


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/Location

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: Point of sale location information.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/Location/CountryCode

Data Type Value: extension of CountryCodeType [0..1]

Description: Country Code. Examples: US, FR

Encoding Scheme: ISO 3166-1 (two character) Country Code


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/Location/CityCode

Data Type Value: extension of CityCodeType [0..1]

Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory.

Example: TPA


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: Message Touchpoint information, including initiating device and event.


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device

Data Type Value: CodesetType

Description: The device from which the request was initiated. Examples: Agent Terminal, Web Browser, Mobile Device

Encoding Scheme: IATA Padis Codeset - List for data element TDT (Touchpoint Device Type)


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device/Code

Data Type Value: CodesetValueSimpleType

Description: Code value. Example: 003


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device/TableName

Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]

Description: Code set table name.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device/Definition

Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]

Description: Code Definition. Example: Travel Agency



XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Document

Data Type Value: [1..1]

Description: NDC Message Document information.


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Document/@id

Data Type Value: MsgDocumentType

Description: NDC Message Document information.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Document/Name

Data Type Value: "ContextSimpleType" [0..1]

Description: NDC Implementation Name (eg:NDC-Exchange)


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Document/ReferenceVersion

Data Type Value: “ContextSimpleType" [0..1]

Description: NDC Framework Version. Example: SOAP 2015.1 or UAT-OTA-2010B



XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party

Data Type Value: MsgPartiesType

Description: NDC Message/Transaction Party(s) information. Note that information about parties is intended for business use, it is not intended for transaction authentication and routing of the message.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType

Description: Message Sender information.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/@SequenceNumber

Data Type Value: "xsd:positiveInteger" [1..1]

Description: The sequence number of this participating Party within the collection of parties.

A sequence number of 1 indicates that this is the first Participant involved in the transaction.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/Name

Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]

Description: Intermediary Name. Example: Farelogix


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/Category

Data Type Value: IATA_CodeType

Description: Intermediary Category. Example: Aggregator, Consolidator. Encoding Scheme: IATA Padis Codeset—Data element 9972 (Originator Type).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/SystemID

Data Type Value: SystemID_Type

Description: Unique System ID. Example: F1


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: Message Participant(s).


XPath: .../Party/Participants/Participant

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [1..∞]

Description: Participant detail.


XPath: .../Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant

Data Type Value: EnabledSysParticipantType [0..1]

Description: INTERMEDIARY: NDC-Enabled System Participant.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/SystemID/@Owner

Data Type Value: ContextSimpleType

Description: Airline designator or CRS code of the owner/assigner of the Offer ID. Typically used for Offer ordering purposes. Example: UA, BA. Encoding Scheme: IATA/ A4A (two or three character) Airline or CRS Designator Code.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender

Data Type Value: TravelAgencySenderType [0..1]

Description: SELLER: Travel Agency


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/PseudoCity

Data Type Value: extension of PseudoCitySimpleType [0..1]

Description: Pseudo City code. Example: AAA2


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/Type

Data Type Value: AgencyCategorySimpleType

Description: Agency Seller Type. Examples: TravelAgency, OnlineTravelAgency, TravelManagementCompany


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/UserRole

Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType

Description: Agent role. Example: Authorized User


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/PseudoCity

Data Type Value: PseudoCity

Description: Pseudo City code. Example: AAA2


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/IATA_Number

Data Type Value: IATA_NbrSimpleType [0..1]

Description: Agency Seller IATA number. Example: 98417900


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgencyID

Data Type Value: AgencyID_Type

Description: Unique Agency Seller ID. Example: CTRV


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/AgentUserID

Data Type Value: extension of UniqueIDContextType

Description: Agent User ID. Example: ksmith212


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/UserRole

Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]

Description: Agent role. Example: Authorized User



XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters

Data Type Value: AirShopReqParamsType [0..1]

Description: Parameters that influence overall message results. Supported Parameter Groups: Inventory Guarantee (offer-associated); Service Filter (offer-associated); Pricing.

Note: These capabilities may not be supported by all NDC-enabled systems or may be supported by bilateral agreement only. The technical implementation of this capability is not dictated by this specification.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Languages

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: Requested and/ or Actual Primary and/ or Alternate message content language(s).

Note: Language context is specified in the @application attribute (e.g., Requested, Display).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/CurrCodes

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: Requested search processing and results currency information.

Note: Currency context is specified in the @application attribute (e.g., Requested, Display).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/CurrCodes/FiledInCurrency/CurrCode

Data Type Value: extension of CurrencySimpleType [1..∞]

Description: Currency code. Example: USD

Encoding Scheme: ISO 4217 (three alpha character) Currency Code


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Pricing

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: Pricing Parameters, including Simple Pricing, Award Travel, Auto Exchange, Override Currency and Fee Exemption.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Pricing/OverrideCurrency

Data Type Value: CurrencySimpleType

Description: Requested override currency code for pricing. Example: EUR.



XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList

Data Type Value: [0..1]

Description: Passenger data list definition (Passenger data ).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [1..∞]

Description: Anonymous or Recognized Traveler information.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/@PassengerID

Data Type Value: xs:ID [0..1]

Description: Object globally unique Instance ID. Example: obj1


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/PTC

Data Type Value: extension of PaxSimpleType [0..1]

Description: Passenger type code and travelers quantity. Example: ADT

Encoding Scheme: IATA (three character) Passenger Type Code


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/Age

Data Type Value: MeasureType [0..1] xsd:string

Description: The Age of the Passenger. To be used in NDC Anonymous Shopping requests or when the birthdate (in Individual) is not known.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/Birthdate

Data Type Value: DateType [0..1] xsd:simpleType

Description: The Date of Birth of the Passenger. Anonymous Shopping requests or when the birthdate (in Individual) is not known.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/InfantRef

Data Type Value: xs:IDREF [0..1]

Description: Associate an infant in lap to an adult passenger.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/Individual/Surname

Data Type Value: ProperNameType [1..1] xsd:string

Description: Individual's family name, last name. Example: SMITH.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/Airline/AirlineDesignator

Data Type Value: AirlineDesignatorCodeType [0..1] xsd:string

Description: Airline code assigned to a carrier. Either ICAO-defined 3-character code or IATA-defined 2-character code. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory, Section 3.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/AccountNumber

Data Type Value: SimpleCodeType

Description: Loyalty Program account number. Example: ABC123456


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/TierCode

Data Type Value: SimpleTextType [0..1] xsd:string

Description: Loyalty Program tier cod (a code is a character string of letters, numbers, special characters (except escape sequences), and symbols. It represents a definitive value, a method, or a property description in an abbreviated or language-independent form that is part of a finite list of allowed values).

Core Query


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType

Description: Core Air Shopping information by supported Air Shopping Query type.

Shopping Query Input may be specified as:

  1. Prior Shopping Session Basket
  2. Attribute Shopping Query
  3. Affinity Shopping Query


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations

Data Type Value: AirShopReqAttributeQueryType [0..1]

Description: ATTRIBUTE Query ORIGIN/DESTINATION qualifiers and preferences. Notes:

  1. An Attribute Query is a search specifying one or more attributes to get more focused results Note that this node only contains Origin/Destination Airport/City code information which are mandatory.
  2. Other Attribute Query parameters that may be specified (in other document nodes) include Aircraft Equipment preferences, Seat types and characteristics, Meal preferences and Special Need qualifiers.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination

Data Type Value: extension of AssociatedObjectBaseType [1..∞]

Description: Flight origin/destination information.


XPath: .../OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure

Data Type Value: extension of FlightDepartureType

Description: Departure (origin) Airport, Date and Time information.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure/AirportCode

Data Type Value: extension of AirportCitySimpleType

Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure/Date

Data Type Value: xs:date

Description: Departure date. Example: 2017-01-13

Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD)


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure/Time

Data Type Value: TimeSimpleType

Description: Departure time. Example: 09:15. Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Military/ 24 Hour Format (HH:MM).


XPath: .../OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Arrival

Data Type Value: FlightArrivalType

Description: Arrival (destination) Airport, Date and Time information.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Arrival/AirportCode

Data Type Value: extension of AirportCitySimpleType

Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA


XPath: .../OriginDestination/Arrival/Date

Data Type Value: xs:date [0..1]

Description: Arrival date. Example: 2017-01-14

Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD)


XPath: .../OriginDestination/Arrival/Time

Data Type Value: TimeSimpleType [0..1]

Description: Arrival time. Example: 09:15

Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Military/24 Hour Format (HH:MM)


XPath: .../OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/CalendarDates

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]

Description: Indicates a calendar search request with days before and/or days after the specified date.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/CalendarDates/@DaysBefore

Data Type Value: xs:int [0..1]

Description: Number of days before the specified date.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/CalendarDates/@DaysAfter

Data Type Value: xs:int [0..1]

Description: Number of days after the specified date.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific

Data Type Value: AirShopFlightSpecificType [0..1]

Description: FLIGHT SPECIFIC QUERY Qualifiers and Preferences.

Note: A flight specific search is a search for fares for specific listed flights only.


XPath: .../CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment

Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..∞]

Description: FlighSegment information. Contains details flight segment information.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/Departure/AirportCode

Data Type Value: AirportCode

Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/Arrival/AirportCode

Data Type Value: AirportCode

Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/MarketingAirline/AirlineID

Data Type Value: AirlineID

Description: A two-character alphanumeric code assigned according to the IATA Resolution 762 or a three-letter airline designator assigned by ICAO. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/MarketingAirline/FlightNumber

Data Type Value: FlightNumber

Description: Flight Number. Example: 1234, or OPEN, or ARNK.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/Departure/Date

Data Type Value: date

Description: Departure date. Example: 2017-01-13. Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD).



XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Code

Data Type Value: extension of CodesetValueSimpleType

Description: Promotion code ID or number. Example: PROMO123. Used in conjunction with Link (Promotion URL), Issuer (Promotion Owner or Sponsor) and Remarks (Promotion remarks).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Remarks

Data Type Value: RemarkType [0..1]

Description: Remark(s).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Remarks/Remark

Data Type Value: Remark[]

Description: Remark Text.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers

Data Type Value: FareQualifierType [0..1]

Description: Special fares, which may be private or negotiated fares.


  1. Supports pricing discounts and/ or other benefits for Travelers affiliated with companies with private fare and/ or negotiated rate contracts.
  2. Private Fares apply to ALL Travelers.


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/AirlineID

Data Type Value: extension of AirlineID_Type

Description: A two-character alpha-numeric code assigned according to the IATA Resolution 762 or a three-letter airline designator assigned by ICAO. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory.


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/Account

Data Type Value: xsd:string [0..1] Choice

Description: Corporate account name or ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Code

Data Type Value: extension of xs:string [0..1]

Description: Contract ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/Contract

Data Type Value: xsd:string [0..1] Choice

Description: Contract ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/ProgramQualifiers/ProgramQualifier/DiscountProgramQualifier/Name

Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType

Description: Program name. Example: AARP MEMBERSHIP.


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/ProgramQualifiers/ProgramQualifier/DiscountProgramQualifier/Account

Data Type Value: xsd:string

Description: Membership account or ID number. Example: 0956301007.


XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/ProgramQualifiers/ProgramQualifier/ProgramStatusQualifier/ProgramStatus

Data Type Value:

Description: Program status name.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/Account

Data Type Value: xsd:string [0..1] Choice

Description: Corporate account name or ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124



XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/CabinPreferences/CabinType/Code

Data Type Value: CodesetValueSimpleType

Description: Code value. Example: 003


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/CabinPreferences/CabinType/@refs

Data Type Value: InstanceClassRefSimpleType

Description: Object association(s) between this object and any other object or metadata instance(s).


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/FarePreferences

Data Type Value: FarePreferencesType

Description: A data type for Fare Preferences.


XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/FarePreferences/FareCodes/Code/Code

Data Type Value: CodesetValueSimpleType

Description: Fare basis code. Example: Y26