AirShoppingRQ NDC 2017.2
XPath: AirShoppingRQ
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: The AirShopping transaction set supports both demanding and flexible shopping experiences for anonymous or personalized shopping.
The combination of functionally-rich attribute and affinity shopping support date range or specific month (calendar) shopping as an example.
The response returns offers which may include branded offers or itinerary-priced offers with or without ancillary services. It also returns applicable rules for the integrated fares as well as for each service.
The message also returns multi-media content at message level as well as media references at the individual offer level.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@EchoToken
Data Type Value: StringLength1to128 [0..1]
Description: A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@TimeStamp
Data Type Value: xs:dateTime [0..1]
Description: Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (e.g. 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@Target
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]
Description: Used to indicate whether the request is for the Test or Production system.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@Version
Data Type Value: xs:string
Description: For all IATA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by a decimal value.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@TransactionIdentifier
Data Type Value: StringLength1to32 [0..1]
Description: A unique identifier to relate all messages within a transaction (e.g. this would be sent in all request and response messages that are part of an on-going transaction).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@SequenceNmbr
Data Type Value: xs:nonNegativeInteger [0..1]
Description: Used to identify the sequence number of the transaction as assigned by the sending system; allows for an application to process messages in a certain order or to request a resynchronization of messages in the event that a system has been off-line and needs to retrieve messages that were missed.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@TransactionStatusCode
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]
Description: This indicates where this message falls within a sequence of messages.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Languages/LanguageCode
Data Type Value: xs:language [0..1]
Description: Identifies the primary language preference for the message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@PrimaryLangID
Data Type Value: language
Description: Identifies the primary language preference for the message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@AltLangID
Data Type Value: xs:language [0..1]
Description: Identifies the alternate language for a customer or message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/@RetransmissionIndicator
Data Type Value: xs:boolean [0..1]
Description: When true, indicates the message is being re-sent after a failure. It is recommended that this attribute is used (i.e., set to TRUE) only when a message is retransmitted.
Point of Sale
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale
Data Type Value: PointOfSaleType
Description: A data type for Point of Sale
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/Location
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: Point of sale location information.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/Location/CountryCode
Data Type Value: extension of CountryCodeType [0..1]
Description: Country Code. Examples: US, FR
Encoding Scheme: ISO 3166-1 (two character) Country Code
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/Location/CityCode
Data Type Value: extension of CityCodeType [0..1]
Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory.
Example: TPA
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: Message Touchpoint information, including initiating device and event.
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device
Data Type Value: CodesetType
Description: The device from which the request was initiated. Examples: Agent Terminal, Web Browser, Mobile Device
Encoding Scheme: IATA Padis Codeset - List for data element TDT (Touchpoint Device Type)
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device/Code
Data Type Value: CodesetValueSimpleType
Description: Code value. Example: 003
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device/TableName
Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]
Description: Code set table name.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/PointOfSale/TouchPoint/Device/Definition
Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]
Description: Code Definition. Example: Travel Agency
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Document
Data Type Value: [1..1]
Description: NDC Message Document information.
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Document/@id
Data Type Value: MsgDocumentType
Description: NDC Message Document information.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Document/Name
Data Type Value: "ContextSimpleType" [0..1]
Description: NDC Implementation Name (eg:NDC-Exchange)
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Document/ReferenceVersion
Data Type Value: “ContextSimpleType" [0..1]
Description: NDC Framework Version. Example: SOAP 2015.1 or UAT-OTA-2010B
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party
Data Type Value: MsgPartiesType
Description: NDC Message/Transaction Party(s) information. Note that information about parties is intended for business use, it is not intended for transaction authentication and routing of the message.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType
Description: Message Sender information.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/@SequenceNumber
Data Type Value: "xsd:positiveInteger" [1..1]
Description: The sequence number of this participating Party within the collection of parties.
A sequence number of 1 indicates that this is the first Participant involved in the transaction.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/Name
Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]
Description: Intermediary Name. Example: Farelogix
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/Category
Data Type Value: IATA_CodeType
Description: Intermediary Category. Example: Aggregator, Consolidator. Encoding Scheme: IATA Padis Codeset—Data element 9972 (Originator Type).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/SystemID
Data Type Value: SystemID_Type
Description: Unique System ID. Example: F1
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: Message Participant(s).
XPath: .../Party/Participants/Participant
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [1..∞]
Description: Participant detail.
XPath: .../Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant
Data Type Value: EnabledSysParticipantType [0..1]
Description: INTERMEDIARY: NDC-Enabled System Participant.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Participants/Participant/EnabledSystemParticipant/SystemID/@Owner
Data Type Value: ContextSimpleType
Description: Airline designator or CRS code of the owner/assigner of the Offer ID. Typically used for Offer ordering purposes. Example: UA, BA. Encoding Scheme: IATA/ A4A (two or three character) Airline or CRS Designator Code.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender
Data Type Value: TravelAgencySenderType [0..1]
Description: SELLER: Travel Agency
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/PseudoCity
Data Type Value: extension of PseudoCitySimpleType [0..1]
Description: Pseudo City code. Example: AAA2
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/Type
Data Type Value: AgencyCategorySimpleType
Description: Agency Seller Type. Examples: TravelAgency, OnlineTravelAgency, TravelManagementCompany
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/UserRole
Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType
Description: Agent role. Example: Authorized User
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/PseudoCity
Data Type Value: PseudoCity
Description: Pseudo City code. Example: AAA2
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/IATA_Number
Data Type Value: IATA_NbrSimpleType [0..1]
Description: Agency Seller IATA number. Example: 98417900
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgencyID
Data Type Value: AgencyID_Type
Description: Unique Agency Seller ID. Example: CTRV
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/AgentUserID
Data Type Value: extension of UniqueIDContextType
Description: Agent User ID. Example: ksmith212
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Party/Sender/TravelAgencySender/AgentUser/UserRole
Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType [0..1]
Description: Agent role. Example: Authorized User
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters
Data Type Value: AirShopReqParamsType [0..1]
Description: Parameters that influence overall message results. Supported Parameter Groups: Inventory Guarantee (offer-associated); Service Filter (offer-associated); Pricing.
Note: These capabilities may not be supported by all NDC-enabled systems or may be supported by bilateral agreement only. The technical implementation of this capability is not dictated by this specification.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Languages
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: Requested and/ or Actual Primary and/ or Alternate message content language(s).
Note: Language context is specified in the @application attribute (e.g., Requested, Display).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/CurrCodes
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: Requested search processing and results currency information.
Note: Currency context is specified in the @application attribute (e.g., Requested, Display).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/CurrCodes/FiledInCurrency/CurrCode
Data Type Value: extension of CurrencySimpleType [1..∞]
Description: Currency code. Example: USD
Encoding Scheme: ISO 4217 (three alpha character) Currency Code
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Pricing
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: Pricing Parameters, including Simple Pricing, Award Travel, Auto Exchange, Override Currency and Fee Exemption.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Parameters/Pricing/OverrideCurrency
Data Type Value: CurrencySimpleType
Description: Requested override currency code for pricing. Example: EUR.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList
Data Type Value: [0..1]
Description: Passenger data list definition (Passenger data ).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [1..∞]
Description: Anonymous or Recognized Traveler information.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/@PassengerID
Data Type Value: xs:ID [0..1]
Description: Object globally unique Instance ID. Example: obj1
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/PTC
Data Type Value: extension of PaxSimpleType [0..1]
Description: Passenger type code and travelers quantity. Example: ADT
Encoding Scheme: IATA (three character) Passenger Type Code
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/Age
Data Type Value: MeasureType [0..1] xsd:string
Description: The Age of the Passenger. To be used in NDC Anonymous Shopping requests or when the birthdate (in Individual) is not known.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/Birthdate
Data Type Value: DateType [0..1] xsd:simpleType
Description: The Date of Birth of the Passenger. Anonymous Shopping requests or when the birthdate (in Individual) is not known.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/InfantRef
Data Type Value: xs:IDREF [0..1]
Description: Associate an infant in lap to an adult passenger.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/Individual/Surname
Data Type Value: ProperNameType [1..1] xsd:string
Description: Individual's family name, last name. Example: SMITH.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/Airline/AirlineDesignator
Data Type Value: AirlineDesignatorCodeType [0..1] xsd:string
Description: Airline code assigned to a carrier. Either ICAO-defined 3-character code or IATA-defined 2-character code. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory, Section 3.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/AccountNumber
Data Type Value: SimpleCodeType
Description: Loyalty Program account number. Example: ABC123456
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/TierCode
Data Type Value: SimpleTextType [0..1] xsd:string
Description: Loyalty Program tier cod (a code is a character string of letters, numbers, special characters (except escape sequences), and symbols. It represents a definitive value, a method, or a property description in an abbreviated or language-independent form that is part of a finite list of allowed values).
Core Query
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType
Description: Core Air Shopping information by supported Air Shopping Query type.
Shopping Query Input may be specified as:
- Prior Shopping Session Basket
- Attribute Shopping Query
- Affinity Shopping Query
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations
Data Type Value: AirShopReqAttributeQueryType [0..1]
Description: ATTRIBUTE Query ORIGIN/DESTINATION qualifiers and preferences. Notes:
- An Attribute Query is a search specifying one or more attributes to get more focused results Note that this node only contains Origin/Destination Airport/City code information which are mandatory.
- Other Attribute Query parameters that may be specified (in other document nodes) include Aircraft Equipment preferences, Seat types and characteristics, Meal preferences and Special Need qualifiers.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination
Data Type Value: extension of AssociatedObjectBaseType [1..∞]
Description: Flight origin/destination information.
XPath: .../OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure
Data Type Value: extension of FlightDepartureType
Description: Departure (origin) Airport, Date and Time information.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure/AirportCode
Data Type Value: extension of AirportCitySimpleType
Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure/Date
Data Type Value: xs:date
Description: Departure date. Example: 2017-01-13
Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD)
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Departure/Time
Data Type Value: TimeSimpleType
Description: Departure time. Example: 09:15. Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Military/ 24 Hour Format (HH:MM).
XPath: .../OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Arrival
Data Type Value: FlightArrivalType
Description: Arrival (destination) Airport, Date and Time information.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/Arrival/AirportCode
Data Type Value: extension of AirportCitySimpleType
Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA
XPath: .../OriginDestination/Arrival/Date
Data Type Value: xs:date [0..1]
Description: Arrival date. Example: 2017-01-14
Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD)
XPath: .../OriginDestination/Arrival/Time
Data Type Value: TimeSimpleType [0..1]
Description: Arrival time. Example: 09:15
Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Military/24 Hour Format (HH:MM)
XPath: .../OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/CalendarDates
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..1]
Description: Indicates a calendar search request with days before and/or days after the specified date.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/CalendarDates/@DaysBefore
Data Type Value: xs:int [0..1]
Description: Number of days before the specified date.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/OriginDestinations/OriginDestination/CalendarDates/@DaysAfter
Data Type Value: xs:int [0..1]
Description: Number of days after the specified date.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific
Data Type Value: AirShopFlightSpecificType [0..1]
Description: FLIGHT SPECIFIC QUERY Qualifiers and Preferences.
Note: A flight specific search is a search for fares for specific listed flights only.
XPath: .../CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment
Data Type Value: restriction of xs:anyType [0..∞]
Description: FlighSegment information. Contains details flight segment information.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/Departure/AirportCode
Data Type Value: AirportCode
Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/Arrival/AirportCode
Data Type Value: AirportCode
Description: Airport or a city code. Use a three-letter location identifier assigned according to the IATA Resolution 763. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory. Example: TPA.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/MarketingAirline/AirlineID
Data Type Value: AirlineID
Description: A two-character alphanumeric code assigned according to the IATA Resolution 762 or a three-letter airline designator assigned by ICAO. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/MarketingAirline/FlightNumber
Data Type Value: FlightNumber
Description: Flight Number. Example: 1234, or OPEN, or ARNK.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/CoreQuery/FlightSpecific/FlightSegment/Departure/Date
Data Type Value: date
Description: Departure date. Example: 2017-01-13. Encoding Scheme: ISO 8601 Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Code
Data Type Value: extension of CodesetValueSimpleType
Description: Promotion code ID or number. Example: PROMO123. Used in conjunction with Link (Promotion URL), Issuer (Promotion Owner or Sponsor) and Remarks (Promotion remarks).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Remarks
Data Type Value: RemarkType [0..1]
Description: Remark(s).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Remarks/Remark
Data Type Value: Remark[]
Description: Remark Text.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers
Data Type Value: FareQualifierType [0..1]
Description: Special fares, which may be private or negotiated fares.
- Supports pricing discounts and/ or other benefits for Travelers affiliated with companies with private fare and/ or negotiated rate contracts.
- Private Fares apply to ALL Travelers.
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/AirlineID
Data Type Value: extension of AirlineID_Type
Description: A two-character alpha-numeric code assigned according to the IATA Resolution 762 or a three-letter airline designator assigned by ICAO. Refer to IATA Airline Coding Directory.
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/Account
Data Type Value: xsd:string [0..1] Choice
Description: Corporate account name or ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/PromotionQualifiers/Code
Data Type Value: extension of xs:string [0..1]
Description: Contract ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/Contract
Data Type Value: xsd:string [0..1] Choice
Description: Contract ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/ProgramQualifiers/ProgramQualifier/DiscountProgramQualifier/Name
Data Type Value: ProperNameSimpleType
Description: Program name. Example: AARP MEMBERSHIP.
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/ProgramQualifiers/ProgramQualifier/DiscountProgramQualifier/Account
Data Type Value: xsd:string
Description: Membership account or ID number. Example: 0956301007.
XPath: /AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/ProgramQualifiers/ProgramQualifier/ProgramStatusQualifier/ProgramStatus
Data Type Value:
Description: Program status name.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Qualifier/SpecialFareQualifiers/Account
Data Type Value: xsd:string [0..1] Choice
Description: Corporate account name or ID used for pricing special fares. Example: 675124
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/CabinPreferences/CabinType/Code
Data Type Value: CodesetValueSimpleType
Description: Code value. Example: 003
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/CabinPreferences/CabinType/@refs
Data Type Value: InstanceClassRefSimpleType
Description: Object association(s) between this object and any other object or metadata instance(s).
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/FarePreferences
Data Type Value: FarePreferencesType
Description: A data type for Fare Preferences.
XPath: AirShoppingRQ/Preference/FarePreferences/FareCodes/Code/Code
Data Type Value: CodesetValueSimpleType
Description: Fare basis code. Example: Y26