ServiceListRQ NDC 2017.2
XPath: /ServiceListRQ
Data Type Value: ServiceListRQ
Description: The ServiceList transaction set returns a list of all applicable ancillary services that meet request qualifiers and flights.
The message supports shopping for additional a la carte services to compliment any selected offer, as well as shopping for specialty service items not generally included in an initial offer but rather based on service search filters, e.g. sports equipment specialty baggage and unaccompanied minor fees.
The message also returns multi-media content at the message level and media references at the individual service level.
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/Parameters/Languages/LanguageCode
Data Type Value: LanguageCodeType
Description: Language code. Example: en, en-US
Encoding Schemes: ISO 639-1 Code OR Microsoft National Language Support (NLS) Code
- Supports ISO 639-1 (two alpha character) neutral language encoding indicated by a name such as "en" for English.
- Supports MNLS geographically specific language encoding indicated by a name that includes both locale and country/region information. For example, the locale English (United States) has the language name "en-US".
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/ShoppingResponseID/ResponseID
Data Type Value: UniqueStringID_SimpleType
Description: Unique shopping session response ID. Example: 1F126AF1-7FCF-414F-8A3D-E4FFA408F747
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/Query/Offers/Offer/OfferID/@Owner
Data Type Value: AirlineDesigSimpleType
Description: Airline designator or CRS code of the owner/assigner of the Offer ID, typically used for offer ordering purposes. Example: UA, BA
Encoding Scheme: IATA/ A4A (two or three character) Airline or CRS Designator Code
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/Query/Offers/Offer/OfferID
Data Type Value: ItemID_Type
Description: Globally unique Offer instance ID. It is not recommended to exceed 64, and it is not recommended to use dashes. Example: QWASZXERDFCVTYGHBNUIJKNMF67D5F9GHR567SWER41SD458F9456FMDIRTN34DF
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/Query/Offers/Offer/OfferItemIDs/OfferItemID
Data Type Value: ItemID_Type
Description: The airline-assigned unique Offer Item ID. Example: OFFER769-A850-4EC4-8F46-02293F72D7E6
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/Query/Offers/Offer/OfferItemIDs/OfferItemID/@Owner
Data Type Value: AirlineDesigSimpleType
Description: Airline designator or CRS code of the owner/ assigner of the Offer ID, typically used for offer ordering purposes. Example: UA, BA
Encoding Scheme: IATA/ A4A (two or three character) Airline or CRS Designator Code
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/PTC
Data Type Value: PassengerTypeCodeType
Description: Type code applying to the Passenger which typically drives pricing (e.g. ADT, CHD, etc).
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/@PassengerID
Data Type Value: xs:ID [0..1]
Description: Uniquely identifies a Passenger within the context of one message.
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/ProgramCode
Data Type Value: SimpleCodeType [0..1]
Description: Loyalty Program ID: Example: MAM
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/AccountNumber
Data Type Value: SimpleCodeType [0..1] xsd:string
Description: Loyalty Program account number. Example: ABC123456
XPath: /ServiceListRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/InfantRef
Data Type Value: xs:IDREF [0..1]
Description: Reference to Passenger instance within the context of one message, associating an infant on lap to this adult passenger.