SeatAvailabilityRQ NDC 2017.2
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ
Data Type Value: SeatAvailabilityRQ
Description: The SeatAvailability transaction set returns data used to construct respective seat maps with fully integrated fees for any identified premium seats.
The message also returns multi-media content at the message level with media content references at the individual service level.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/@PrimaryLangID
Data Type Value: xs:language [0..1]
Description: Identifies the primary language preference for the message. The human language is identified by ISO 639 codes.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/Query/Offer/@ResponseID
Data Type Value: xsd:string
Description: Reference to unique shopping session response ID, as provided in the airline's previous shopping response.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/Query/Offer
Data Type Value:
Description: Offer details.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/Query/Offer/@OfferID
Data Type Value: xsd:ID
Description: Reference to the OfferID of the selected Offer (either a standard Offer or an a-la-carte Offer) returned in a previous shopping response.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/Query/Offer/@Owner
Data Type Value: xsd:string
Description: Designator of Airline that owns/ assigned these IDs. Examples: BA.
Encoding Scheme: IATA/ A4A (two or three character) Airline Designator Code.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/Query/Offer/SegmentID
Data Type Value: xsd:string
Description: Reference to the segment for which seat maps are required. Absence of this element is equivalent to an all-segments request.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/Query/Offer/PassengerID
Data Type Value: xsd:string
Description: Reference to the passenger for which seat maps are required. Absence of this element is equivalent to an all-passengers request.
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/ProgramCode
Data Type Value: SimpleCodeType [0..1]
Description: Loyalty Program ID: Example: MAM
XPath: /SeatAvailabilityRQ/DataLists/PassengerList/Passenger/LoyaltyProgramAccount/AccountNumber
Data Type Value: SimpleCodeType [0..1] xsd:string
Description: Loyalty Program account number. Example: ABC123456